One man's quest to not die on the streets of New York

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wind sprints on the E. River

So, this morning I went for a run instead of the gym. Why? Because I didn't feel like running yesterday morning... or evening.

Anyhow, I took off, and just wasn't feeling it. Generally I feel like I work through the tiredness in the first 3-5 minutes. It didn't happen today. So I pulled out one of my tricks I like to use to feel like I put in a good workout, but don't want to run for very long. I just did a bunch of wind sprints. Well, not that many, I guess. I did 5 100 yard dashes. Then I jogged home.

Getting back to a recurring theme, I don't really know what this accomplished, other than almost making me throw up. But I do know that I feel like I got a run in and it was a break from the routine, so I guess that is enough for me. Of course, I got laughed at by a few people as I ran at a full speed sprint down the jogging path under the FDR overpass, but that was okay with me.

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